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Showing posts with the label BELIEVING

Believing in Jesus Christ - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

We believe by faith what we can see, feel, smell, touch and hear. We believe God by faith and everyone who received from God in the bible and in this generation is because they believed God. They believed in the Word of God. John 3:16 Those that believes in Him Jesus Christ, not Church, not Religion but Jesus Christ will Have an everlasting life. Pharisees believed in God the father but didn’t believe in Jesus Christ when He was among them in the Flesh, that’s why they couldn’t receive the everlasting life. Most of the time we hear God’s Word, fell his power, touch His presence, smell His aroma but still not believe in His Word. That’s why we have people giving thanks to ancestors because is what they believe. They don’t believe God can do it for me. When Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, asked servants at the wedding at Cana to follow Jesus’s instructions when the wine was finished. She wasn’t taking chances because she knew whom she has believed. Believe in Jesus