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Lost and Found Series: THE MAN - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

I thank God that Adam was able to realize after eating the fruit that he is now lost, the glory is gone..He is now vulnerable, the image is gone, the likeness is gone., the position is gone, the man is lost! Today the church is not respected because the man is not found in the church, the church no longer shows the image, the likeness of God. They can’t be distinguished from other ordinary churches. They are lost in this world, confused. You find the Man you find God. Find the man first before you can find the relationship. Find the man first before you can find the money, before you can find that business. Find the man first before you can seek wisdom, understanding from God. Find the man before you can find the power. Everything that God said it should be in this earth in the book of Genesis 1 he said it is good every time he said it. But after he created a man, he said it is very good. After Man lost the image of God, man no longer sees God when they are looking a

Lost and Found Series - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

First Adam lost in the Old Testament was found in the second Adam in the New Testament. In the book of Genesis before God can create a male or female, He created a Man. Because he created a man first that’s why both female and male had a man in them. The Man and the woMan . Man was given authority, dominion, rulership. And what man said it came to pass because man is made of God’s image and likeness.  When the nature saw man, they saw God because he has the image of God. Man is god on earth. When you are made of God’s image, you have to listen to the one who made you, the man fell when he disobeyed God by listening to woman’s voice over God’s Word. Man start to lose themselves when they become disobedience. I know that Adam lost a lot in the garden of Eden but today I don’t want to focus on things that he lost, the respect, the position, the capacity, the authority. The most valuable asset which was lost in Adam was the Man. And a man is not a gender, gender comes afte

Look, Turn and See: SEE - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

After you have turned, stop looking and expect to see. Turn with an expectation. Don’t turn for the sake of turning after you have turned, tap into the supernatural. Turn to see the greatness of what you have been looking at. Turn to see the great impact. See His greatness, His beauty, His magnificent, His Glory. This is great, this is good, He is God. No man can show you what are seeing “ no eye have seen, nor ear has heard” appreciate what you are seeing because it is great, it is not normal. His Jesus Christ’s endless love in a loveless, miserable relationship. See His protection when you are facing the danger. See His favor when nobody supports you or your idea. See His blessing when you have nothing in your pocket or anything to show. See His peace in the storm. See His Joy in a sad situation. See His Power! See His Glory! See His Mighty Works! See His Victory! See His Him because He is more real than anything in this world…..See Him First! See He allowed y