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Showing posts with the label FAITH

Trusting In God - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Trust in God Trust in God when you don't have control over things Trust in God when your prayers are not answered Trust in God when He says no Trust in God when you have food and when you don't have food Trust in God when you are broke and when you are loaded Trust in when your family and friends support you and even when they betray you! Don't Stop Trusting God #GodisInControl

Engaging with your faith - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Faith is what you see, hear based on what you believe. what you believe determines what you hear and see. You see with the eyes of faith and hear with the ears of faith. if you want to buy into the kingdom of God, you have to have faith in what you are praying for because faith is the heavenly currency. you can't receive without it. as it is written that it is impossible to please God without Faith. The Word of God says each one of us has been given a portion of Faith, so everyone has Faith, whether you are a Christian or not. How do you use your Faith? What do you believe? Do you have Faith in Men more than God? Have Faith in God and You Shall Prosper. Speak Faith and See Faith Whatever you do, do it with faith ! NKJV. Hebrews 11: 1-40 #PutFaithonIt