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The devil came to steal, to kill and to destroy

John 10 V. 10 1.        Steal- to steal your body as the temple of God and use it for something else, stealing your body from   being a sacrifice to the Lord, stealing your body from worshiping, praying and praising God. 2.        To kill- to kill your vision and give you lust of the eye, all you do is lust and never loves. That’s why what you have seen never last. He steals what’s already yours by showing it to you before you can see it with your spiritual eyes. 3.        To destroy – to destroy you with pride of life, destroying your relationship with God, your humbleness, he paralyses you and breaks your understanding, your willingness to be corrected. Once he gives you pride you are left with no power. God has given us everything we need to defeat the devil, use what you have been given.

The Pride of Life - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

As am writing about this, I am so sad crying inside because of what the church is experiencing and of the 3 rd weapon the devil is using to cause distraction, fights and division. The final hit that the devil takes on you is to give you pride, take you on high and make you to think you don’t need anyone or anything, make you to look down on people, to stop listening to their opinions. You feel like you are enough by yourself and whatever you do is enough it doesn’t need any help. Everything that goes on without your approval/consultation is not good enough. When you are high, you want to control everything, you want to control how they dress. There is a difference between advice and controlling. Prides like control and doesn’t want to share it, it seeks for its own glory. Okay let’s get to it because it’s a lot. it’s bad. it’s sad. its pride, the pride of life! I have seen many Christians leaving the church because of pride. The elder or the pastor reprimanded you over som

The Lust Of The Eye - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The second weapon found in the world that the devil uses is the lust of the eyes, lusting what you see after you see it, it comes into the mind then occupies your thoughts. Eve’s eyes were already open but because of the lust of the eye, she thought the vision was not enough.  The devil will say to you and tell you that what you are seeing is not enough there is more to see.  Lust never satisfies it always looks for more.   It will change how you see things and you will start not appreciating what God is showing you and start undermining God’s vision about your life and his beauty. The devil will use the beauty of this world to develop the lust of the eyes and distract you. He will tell you” I can show you more” that’s where the spirit of dissatisfaction begins, don’t let what you see to develop the lust of the eye. After you see, you think about it. God doesn’t want us to lust the things of this world but to desire the things of the kingdom of God. Don’t just des

The Lust Of The Flesh. -The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Desires of the flesh, what the flesh wants, how the flesh wants. The flesh is selfish first of all and it seeks of its own beautifulness, comfortability and to be well presentable. Is concerned about what others will say. The flesh can be easily manipulated and it follows what it desires. Don’t let the inner man to suffer because of the desires of the flesh.  The flesh seeks good life, good friends, good company, fun and forgets about eternity. The flesh is looking at what’s happening and what’s going to happen. The lust of the flesh is temporary. In the book of Genesis 3 when the serpent deceived her (Eve) it came with 3 weapons, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. First it showed Eve the fruit and ensured that it makes eve to desire it for her flesh. Verse 6 Eve said it is good for food for the body (Flesh) flesh only desires what’s of the flesh. Because she lusted it and wanted to please the lust of her flesh, she took it and ate. the devil

The Hunger - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Everyone including animals get hungry, but how we satisfy our hunger is different and how often we eat is different (Matthew 4.2) “Afterward He was hungry” The devil came and took advantage of the hunger. When you are hungry your body becomes weak, you can end up eating anything if you eat pap with spoon when you are hungry you don’t even look for one, rather dig in with your own hands because you can’t wait to fill your stomach. We have kinds of hunger in this world, hunger for success, hunger for power, hunger for influence, etc. and the devil takes advantage of that when the flesh feels hunger for that moment you allow the devil to feed you if you can’t wait for God to feed you. You can never be satisfied until you are fed by God. You will always look for more, more power, more anointing oil, more water, but when God feeds you with His Word it becomes more than enough as it is written” you will eat and be satisfied” The hunger can be dangerous if you can’t maintain it, hu