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The Lust Of The Flesh. -The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Desires of the flesh, what the flesh wants, how the flesh wants. The flesh is selfish first of all and it seeks of its own beautifulness, comfortability and to be well presentable. Is concerned about what others will say. The flesh can be easily manipulated and it follows what it desires. Don’t let the inner man to suffer because of the desires of the flesh. 

The flesh seeks good life, good friends, good company, fun and forgets about eternity. The flesh is looking at what’s happening and what’s going to happen. The lust of the flesh is temporary.

In the book of Genesis 3 when the serpent deceived her (Eve) it came with 3 weapons, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. First it showed Eve the fruit and ensured that it makes eve to desire it for her flesh. Verse 6 Eve said it is good for food for the body (Flesh) flesh only desires what’s of the flesh. Because she lusted it and wanted to please the lust of her flesh, she took it and ate. the devil prevailed with the first weapon on Eve so far.

Romans 8.1
God doesn’t want us to walk according to the flesh, because the flesh can be attacked easily and always when the devil wants to weaken the inner man, he attacks the flesh. Just like Job when his flesh was attacked, he never swore against God because his spirit was not attacked. The devil may touch your flesh, take everything you love and the flesh loves but don’t let that get to your spirit because the target here is the spirit.

Your spirit is stronger than your flesh, that’s why we fight in the spirit. We don’t fight against the flesh and blood because you can’t fight with your weakness (Matthew 26 V. 41) the flesh is the first weakness that get us into temptations. Don’t allow being tired defeat you from praying and reading the Word of God. Don’t allow the flesh to take most of your time looking after it and taking God’s time, don’t surrender to your flesh. IT IS WEAK, stand from within and fight back, pray when you don’t feel like it, praise God even when your body is weak/sick. You have been given a strong and willing spirit. FIGHT BACK. Don’t let the flesh to rule over you, be led by the spirit.

When you are led by the flesh, you are led even by the lust of the flesh but when you are led by the spirit and its desires you will desire to know more of God, spiritual things. Those are the desires of the spirit. Spiritual things when done in the flesh they seen weak, that’s why the Word of God encourages us to worship in truth and in spirit. Pray, Praise, Worship in the Spirit! Don’t stop believing in God because you have the willing spirit. Romans 8 V.4-11

The flesh can only please what’s of the flesh. The desire of the flesh brings nothing but death. We see them killing each other just so they can be famous, killing each other for success, cars, houses, riches, jealousy that comes from the flesh. The “he/she thinks is better than us” flesh is very competitive.
The devil thinks just because he used this 1st weapon on Adam and worked, he thinks it will work on Jesus (2nd Adam) following the same pattern. (Matthew 4 V.3) he tempted Jesus with the lust of the flesh, taking advantage of Jesus’s hunger and his flesh being weak in that moment. He wanted Jesus to turn the stone into bread, to turn what’s in front of him into something that will satisfy the flesh. The devil wants you to turn your 1-hour prayer into 5 minutes so you can give more time to media, tv to satisfy the flesh. (1 Corinthians 6 V. 19)

How do we fight the lust of the flesh?

We thank God for the 2nd Adam Jesus Christ, the Adam who knew how to fight back, who didn’t let the lust of the flesh to dictates him. Our perfect example, leader, savior and Lord. His body was weak but he still fought back because his spirit was willing. He knew the weapon to fight back.

The weapon that Jesus fought back with is the WORD. “man, alone shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” if Eve and Adam knew that the Word of God is enough to make one wise, they wouldn’t have eaten the fruit that God commanded them not to eat. Because we go after the lust of the flesh thinking that God’s Word is not enough to meet all our needs. 



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