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Showing posts with the label SEEING JESUS CHRIST

Look, Turn AND See: TURN - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

When you find what you are looking for, Turn. Exodus 3 Verse 3 Moses said the first thing he will do after looking is to turn aside, turn to the other side that he never considered to turn into. If it wasn’t the burning bush, he wouldn’t have turned to the other side, but because he was keen to know more about this mystery he turned. He wouldn’t understand what it was that’s why when he noticed that, he turned.  The burning bush was happening on the other side and as long he was on the other side, he wouldn’t understand. For him to understand he had to be on the same side of the burning bush, the same side of the situation. He had to turn because the vision was on the other side and not the side he is used to. Because God will use something you have never considered to communicate the message with you. Maybe he never tended the flock on the side where the bush was burning, it was the side he probably undermined, the side he never preferred. But this is the side of

Look, Turn and See: LOOK - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

It is painful for a person who used to see to go blind, blindness is darkness. The eye tells the body what to do, when to do and how TO DO…it gives direction, explanation and sense. A blind man looks for something/ someone to guide them to where they want to be. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they have as long they can help him to get to where he wants to be. Exodus 3 verse 2 After 40 years of Moses being in Midian, away from Egypt where he grew up. It came a time out of his daily routine where he was tending the flock in the bush. There appeared a flame of fire burning the bush but the bush was not consumed! Because it was not there to consume the bush but it was there to get Moses’s attention. It wouldn’t stop burning until Moses gave his attention. Moses looked and the bush was still burning, while he was looking, he noticed that this is not an ordinary burning. it is an ordinary day, an ordinary bush but the fire is not ordinary. While he was looking, he