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Showing posts with the label GOD KNOWS.

GOD KNOWS: PRAYER - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Thank Lord Jesus that He heard you when you called Him from the deepest place from afar, when nobody could hear, maybe you were thinking of quitting, but He heard you and answered. Thank Him that He remembered you when people didn’t deliver on their promises and have forgotten you. They even blocked your number, avoiding you but God remembered what you asked 5/3/2 years ago, He didn’t forget when people forgot what you wanted to be 10 years ago but God remembered and answered you. when you went to fasting 5 years ago and nothing happened but today Lord Jesus Christ remembered you. God acknowledges your giving to the needy, your service in His house, your contributions in the community, your tithe. Don’t stop the good you are doing because God Knows! Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, because you continue to hear, remember and acknowledges us.

God Knows - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

When I was growing up, being in primary school before grade 5 I didn’t know that I will be preaching today. When I was in Grade 3 just chilling with friends at the back seat making noise, I didn’t know that the spirit of the lord will come upon me and use and start preaching out of nowhere, in fact after I finished preaching, I went outside trying to figure out what just happened but couldn’t find the answer. I just don’t know. What I know is that it was God! Growing up with peers I didn’t know that I will turn up to be different from them. I didn’t know that God called me, all I knew was that I would preach if you asked me to. One of the most important things that my mother taught me, what I know is when she said” don’t refuse to do the work of God” whether is cleaning, singing, ushering or playing instrument in the church, don’t refuse to do it. Sometimes we don’t know what to pray for and we would just stand in the presence of God and just say Thank you Lord. Sometimes

We don't Know - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Israel knew no other God but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who answers. Abraham is groaning and he gives him the child at an old age, the God who answered Joseph’s dreams when he was in prison. Nobody seemed to be helping, when Israel cried unto the Lord, where there seemed to be no hope. He answered by sending Moses a man who was not qualified according to the world’s standard to be sent by God because he was not well spoken. Maybe Israel expected God to send them with the military force and the new king that will release them from their slavery. maybe they expected God to answer them with someone who is eloquent in speech and good looking. But God answered them with a man who was wanted in Egypt, a man who escaped, a killer. God’s answer is always above our expectations. When God answers you, He answers you with what you need not what you want. When God answered Israel with the king in the days of Samuel, He said to Samuel don’t look at the appearance, because

God who hears is the God who answers

“ So, God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them ”. (Exodus 2 V. 24-25) The children of Israel were not heard, not remembered and not acknowledged by residents, neighbors, ministers and leaders. But God heard their cry, remembered the covenant and acknowledged their situation. Israel’s cry to the Lord, represented their pain, loss and brokenness. They tried acting strong, playing church, acting holy. They have been crying to the government, neighbors and families but still the cry was not heard but just the sound of it. They didn’t hear the loneliness in their cry, fear in their cry, loss in their cry, asking for help in there.  But God hears and answers, He doesn’t just hear but He answers. He said” Cry unto me and I will answer” the woman who had the demon possessed daughter cried unto the Lord Jesus Christ, disciples reprimanded her,