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Showing posts with the label RELEASING

Representing Jesus Christ - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Mark 16: 15-20 When Jesus Christ was on Earth in flesh with His disciples imparting, teaching, and preparing them. What he gave them what’s not for themselves. From the beginning even now, when God Releases something to man, He doesn’t release it for him only but for the whole world. Everyone God has been given a gift; some are called and your calling is not for your selected/favorite people only but for the world. Because Lord Jesus Christ whom we have received He is not only for a specific country but for the whole world. That’s why He says go into all the world, let the whole world receive what you have received. And for God to release it unto them He has to use you after you have become what He has become in you.  The book of Acts shows us disciples of Jesus Christ releasing what they have received from Jesus. Releasing the power of God, releasing the healing power. Blind saw, the sick got healed, the lame walked, the unbeliever believed and many more miracles took p