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Showing posts with the label RECEIVING


The word according to how you hear it, receive it and bring forth its fruit (mark 4;20). “Keep playing! The game isn’t over yet! The hundredfold return is retroactive. No matter how much the amount of your giving increases, you are still offered the hundredfold return. The more about the Word of God and confess it with your mouth, the faster the seed grow within you. Things that stops the Word of God from producing capabilities in your life 1. Satan comes to talk you out of it. 2. The Word doesn’t root in your heart and when troubles or persecutions comes, you become offended and believe circumstances rather than what the Word is saying. 3. Cares and anxieties of the world 4. Distractions of the age 5. Craving and passionate desire for other things creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, the Word becomes fruitless. (mark 4) How to receive from God (john 15; 17) God’s Word is His will. God’s Word in you is the key to answered prayers. The bible is God’s wisdom made

Receiving From God - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Take up your key which is your faith and open for your miracle! Pharisees believed in the Word of God, they followed the commandments and prayed with their lips while their hearts were far from God. They believed that the messiah is coming but couldn’t receive Him when He was walking among them in the Flesh. In-fact they crucified and persecuted Him. And this is also happening in our generation where the church of Jesus Christ is still being persecuted.  Pastors, Christians who can’t receive the Word of God they drag it through the mud, denying it, adding, subtracting to it and changing it so it can fit them. Because they can’t believe and  receive it, they change it to fit them. The key to receiving is listening Acts 12: 5-16 Receive from God not from men…. The church was praying in the book of Acts chapter 12 for Peter’s release consistently believing in God. God answered their prayers, Peter was released, their answer knocked at the door but they couldn’t