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Showing posts with the label Easter

Prayer In The Garden - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

This is After the supper when Jesus Christ went to Gethsemane to pray because the hour was at hand. Here we see Jesus spending some few last moments with His few disciples before the Crucifixion. When Jesus could feel that the time has come, when He could taste the death already, He turned to God and Prayed. Because Prayer is power, Prayer empowers us when we are weak. Prayer can change God's mind. The effectiveness of your prayer depend on your relationship with God. Jesus asked the disciples to watch with Him while He was praying alone, the bible records that His soul was sorrowful, the bible records His prayer when He said "if it is possible let this cup pass from me; Nevertheless not as i will but as You will" Jesus allowed the will of the Father to happen in His and through His life even when it was not easy, He allowed the will when He was sorrowful, He could already see what was going to happen to Him. We are saved today because He allowed the will of the