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We don't Know - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Israel knew no other God but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who answers. Abraham is groaning and he gives him the child at an old age, the God who answered Joseph’s dreams when he was in prison.

Nobody seemed to be helping, when Israel cried unto the Lord, where there seemed to be no hope. He answered by sending Moses a man who was not qualified according to the world’s standard to be sent by God because he was not well spoken. Maybe Israel expected God to send them with the military force and the new king that will release them from their slavery. maybe they expected God to answer them with someone who is eloquent in speech and good looking. But God answered them with a man who was wanted in Egypt, a man who escaped, a killer.

God’s answer is always above our expectations. When God answers you, He answers you with what you need not what you want. When God answered Israel with the king in the days of Samuel, He said to Samuel don’t look at the appearance, because when God answers you, he doesn’t answer based on how bad/good your situation is, but on where your heart is in the middle of that situation. Is not about how long you have been in that situation but is about where your heart is in the midst of that situation you are in. it might be now or 5 years, what I know is that God hears and he will surely answer.

Mark 14: 32-36
Luke 1; 34

Mary didn’t know how she was going to have the Child and the angel said to her” the Holy spirit will come upon you” in other words, don’t worry about the how but the little that you know that God knows. Leave the how-to God and do the what, where and when. It is dangerous when you don’t know that you don’t know.



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