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The Pride of Life - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

As am writing about this, I am so sad crying inside because of what the church is experiencing and of the 3rd weapon the devil is using to cause distraction, fights and division.

The final hit that the devil takes on you is to give you pride, take you on high and make you to think you don’t need anyone or anything, make you to look down on people, to stop listening to their opinions. You feel like you are enough by yourself and whatever you do is enough it doesn’t need any help. Everything that goes on without your approval/consultation is not good enough. When you are high, you want to control everything, you want to control how they dress. There is a difference between advice and controlling. Prides like control and doesn’t want to share it, it seeks for its own glory. Okay let’s get to it because it’s a lot. it’s bad. it’s sad. its pride, the pride of life!

I have seen many Christians leaving the church because of pride. The elder or the pastor reprimanded you over something but because pride doesn’t want to be told what to do, it says leave the choir, band, church, stop tithing. Pride will say nobody will tell you anything, you have been born again for so many years, that’s pride! When you have pride you are too high to be reprimanded, too high to be corrected, too high to be advised, too high to learn, too high to commit, too high to serve, too high to submit. Humble yourself!

Today pride has been modernized and when someone leaves the church because of pride they would say” I feel in my spirit that i should go join that other church, I feel is time for me to leave” well is not the spirit from within but it is the pride of life found in the world. Pride doesn’t know forgiveness, pride doesn’t know confession, pride doesn’t know thank you.

People are killing each other because of pride, brothers are hating each other, families are fighting over inheritances, churches are becoming groups, men don’t want to go to churches, believers don’t want to accept the holy spirit, church goers don’t want to commit, they don’t want to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Pride is the need to be seen, heard, the need to perform, the need to be acknowledged. Pride says if the pastor doesn’t acknowledge me, I won’t tithe’ I won’t play the instrument with only one speaker, with people who can’t sing. That’s pride! And it needs to be broken! Pride says you need me more than I need you. You can’t even enjoy your phone, your car, your house because you are competing with your neighbors, your family because of pride. You live everyday to hear someone throw a complement at you or what you possess, if they don’t complement you, you say they are jealous. You live to impress others.

Pride is hiding in church groups/band/choirs in churches today, deacons’ committees and pastors. People goes like this is how I am. When you address it, they say this is how I was born. Well that is not how God has made you to be, that is the pride of life and because you are in the world it means the devil can use it to attack you. Is up to us if we allow him to win or lose. One thing for sure he was defeated long time ago and he’s got no power on us.
Genesis 5 V. 6

God gave man wisdom, but the serpent deceived Eve that they weren’t wise enough and pride striked. When they have ate the fruit and God asked why did you eat the fruit. Adam is blaming Eve, Eve is blaming the serpent, nobody wants to admit that they are wrong, everyone is blaming someone. Pride doesn’t acknowledge when is wrong but can easily identify others wrong doings. Today we have major ones, number ones, everyone wants to be above and nobody wants to be a minor.
Matthew 4 V. 8

When the devil took Jesus up and showed Him the kingdom and Glory of the world. He was throwing the last punch “Pride of Life” the need to be in charge of everything. The devil is a fool because he showed Him what’s already His. The devil doesn’t own anything, he will show what God already have in store for you and will tell you to worship him to get it, where else you can just get it by humbling yourself.

Pride doesn’t know how to wait for God, it rather serves two masters just to be on top and avoid processes of God. We thank God that Jesus defeated the devil by the Word and fought with the weapon of worship. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God to avoid pride. The bible says those who humble themselves God lifts them up. Serving God when nobody acknowledge you is being humble you are defeating the devil that way.

V.6, devil took Jesus on an exceedingly high mountain, where He was able to see everything. When the devil has put you high, you see every mistake that people do. In fact, you don’t see good in them, whenever you see them you look for bad, you are like holding the red marker and ticking right/wrong, holy/unholy, the devil shows you all the mistake that you end up missing God. Because whenever you come to church you come to judge.

When Jesus was arrested and questioned and spat on, He stayed humble and defeated the devil by being humble. David remained humble when Saul sought to kill him. Luke 18 V. 9-14, “for everyone who humbles himself will be exalted” Moses was the humblest man on earth more than anyone that’s why God trusted him with His Glory.

Humbling yourself is your weapon to defeat the pride of life.


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