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The Hunger - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Everyone including animals get hungry, but how we satisfy our hunger is different and how often we eat is different

(Matthew 4.2)

“Afterward He was hungry”
The devil came and took advantage of the hunger. When you are hungry your body becomes weak, you can end up eating anything if you eat pap with spoon when you are hungry you don’t even look for one, rather dig in with your own hands because you can’t wait to fill your stomach.
We have kinds of hunger in this world, hunger for success, hunger for power, hunger for influence, etc. and the devil takes advantage of that when the flesh feels hunger for that moment you allow the devil to feed you if you can’t wait for God to feed you.

You can never be satisfied until you are fed by God. You will always look for more, more power, more anointing oil, more water, but when God feeds you with His Word it becomes more than enough as it is written” you will eat and be satisfied”
The hunger can be dangerous if you can’t maintain it, hunger for success has resulted in people, families killing each other. People selling their souls to the devil(Illuminati)

When Esau was hungry and tired, he sold his birthright without thinking thrice because all that was in his mind was satisfying the flesh. Is high time the church fast more of this world than just food.

Hunger for more of God, for His Glory, His Word, His Kingdom. It doesn’t matter how long you have been hungry for salvation, deliverance, breakthrough for years. Well THE WORD OF GOD CAN FEED YOU AND SATISFY YOU. IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!

Let’s look at Adam’s hunger for few minutes.
Adam was given dominion, power to manage and keep the garden, after he had named all the animals.
Without eating the fruit, after the woman came out of him without eating the fruit, the hunger strike!
If Adam knew that he didn’t need the fruit to make him wise, he wouldn’t have eaten it if he knew that
the Word of god is enough to make one wise, he wouldn’t have eaten the fruit.


Its okay to be hungry for more of God’s power, but when you are that hungry allow him to feed you and
I mean only HIM. Don’t allow powers of this world to feed your hunger so you can gain more power to
perform miracles and all that. That’s why we see those who are fed by God they are full of God’s Word
and in everything they do they give God the Glory.

Where else those who are feeding their hunger with powers of this world and darkness they are filled
with tangible things, materials, things of this world and taking credit for themselves. That’s why they
would say “you are dangerous papa and they allow it because they like it”
The hunger is not wrong but how we satisfy it is, if it doesn’t align with God’s Word (Matthew 5. Verse


Now we will be looking at the 3 weapons that the devil uses to attack us and how to fight like Jesus (the
author and the finish of our Faith, our perfect example) did.
It is important to know what your enemy is attacking you with, so you can fight back. When he fights
with hate you can fight back with love, when he attacks with doubt and fear you fight back by faith,
when he attacks with lies you fight back with truth. These weapons can only attack your body that
posses your soul and that makes your spirit weak and defeated but cannot kill your spirit. What I love
about the spirit we have received is that you cannot kill it, even after years of being out and weak. The
man inside can still rise up and fight back.


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