Genesis 19 V 17-28 Sodom and Gomorrah was a place where we first hear about homosexuality ever. God does not approve this, that’s why he destroyed the place’ that’s how much he loves His children that He would rather destroy the place or relationship that they are in than to let the place destroy His children. His love is amazing, sometimes we don’t understand that it is because of love. However, there was a man in that place like there are us in this world full of evil. Abraham prayed for Lot because God informed him about the destruction that was about to take place. God saved Lot because Abraham interceded for him. Today we are living in a world that I believe is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, the evil in this world is too much, sometimes you ask yourself why God is not taking us out of this world. I mean Jesus knows about the evil In fact He prayed that God should keep us from evil not Take us out. This means that you can only survi...
We live in a time where our lifestyle, Christianity is tested and trialed. In the Bible From The book of Daniel Chapter 3 we learn about 3 men who stood their ground, stood by their faith when they were face with death after the King announced that everyone in that nation should be bowing and praying unto the man made god he had made out of gold, an image god. Probably a lot of Christians abided by the king's rules fearing to die but Shadrach Meshach and Abednego feared their God the real God the alpha and Omega, the King of Kings more than the man made gold god who couldn't speak. is not that they were rebellious towards the law but they knew that the first wisdom is to fear God. they didn't compromise their faith because of the situation they were facing. today if i may ask; is the situation you are in making you to compromise your faith, is TV, your smartphone and friends making you to compromise your time, relationship with God? are you conforming to the standard of t...