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Becoming in Jesus Christ- The Gospel of Jesus Christ

What you become sustains you
You become what you have received. John 1: 12

Disciples of Jesus Christ, received Him when called them, they walked with Him in the powerful, witnessed and took part in miracles He performed. Because they received Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts the power of the Holy Spirit manifested in them and through them.

You see, one can receive easily and as much they can receive easily it makes, they can lose what they have received easily. That’s God doesn’t just want us to believe Him and receive from Him but He wants us to become what He Has called us to be. What you Receive can sustain you for a short but what you become can sustain you forever.

Work out what you have received. Don’t lose it, keep it!

We don’t say we have received Christianity but we have become Christians. Because Christ is whom we have received and when He is in us His characters shows in us. Become what He has released in your life. I don’t know what He released and how He has released it. The bible records a lot of people receiving from Jesus Christ but only few who become what he released in their lives. When God has released a blessing in your life, become that blessing to the world.

God has released a light in our lives and said we must arise and shine, show the light to the world because it cannot be hidden. Jesus Christ our light is too bright to be hidden, too bright to be manipulated, too bright to be killed, too bright to be buried. He conquered all because He is too bright. 

What you have received let it shine because it is not for you but for the world.

It is easy for world to take what you have received away from you but they can’t take what you have become. Because we didn’t receive clothes, water, oil or any tangible things but we received Jesus Christ, the king of kings, the King of Glory, the Prince of Peace, the One who was, who is and to come. He is in us therefore nobody can take Him away from us. They can close our eyes we will still speak; they can close or burn our building down but we won’t stop preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because He is greater than anything in this world. In Him we move, we receive our being, we are able to produce fruits, we are able to grow.

You become by being consistent, committed and dedicated. As Paul said “Work out your salvation”
There can be a time where you are just following church, following programs, following revivals, used to receiving blessings, receiving anointing, receiving healing. And because you are used to receiving, when you don’t feel that electric you start to doubt God and go to find that electric somewhere else because you are used to receiving.

But when you have become that servant God wants you to be, become that singer, become that usher, become that preacher, become that minister, you don’t need a handshake to motivate you to work in the house of the Lord. Even when they don’t tell you well done; you still serve because is not about what you are getting but is all about what you are presenting to the world. Become that might warrior of God. Become that powerful instrument, become that anointed singer of Lord Jesus Christ.
When you have become the flesh no longer rules in your body but the Spirit leads.

Become that peace to your society
Become the blessing to the needy
Become the healing power of God to the sick
Become the voice to the voiceless
Become the eye to the blind
Become the lighter to the darkness
Become the messenger to the messed ups.
Become the ear to the deaf
Become what you have received.




  1. Am blessed. Thanks be to GOD for HIS word of promises.


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