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Touched and Changed - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Genesis 32: 22

A lot of times we get touched by sermons, touched by worship, praise and motivation from friends and family, touched by elders’ advises. But how many times are we changed after being touched. Change is needed in our lives whenever we get touched. A touch must be there to change you not to make you comfortable.

A lot of people touched Jesus Christ while he was walking on earth in the flesh pressing him around wherever He would go. Because all they did was just to touch him, after He left, they were still the same, their situations were still the same because they never allowed Him to change them and their situations. A touch alone is not enough, expect a change after a touch.  
Many are touched but only few are changed

Jacob was a man who had told many lies, deceived his father and brother Esau. He lived a life of lies, fear going there and there trying to find peace, hiding and escaping from Esau before chapter 32. His father touched and blessed him and he was still the same deceiver. He married Laban’s daughters but that didn’t change him and his character he was still the same deceiver.

God told him to return to the same people he has been escaping from, same people he has wronged a lot, people he was afraid to meet. God knew that something had to be changed on the way before he could return home because He wouldn’t allow him to return the same way he has left.
He won’t allow you to go back the same way as you left, come as you are.

Jacob was left alone when he wrestled with God. Some things to be changed, you need to be alone. You can be touched at a church, crusade and conference but when God changes you nobody will be there, you need to be alone. Because when God changes you, things have to go, Old man’s ways have to go.

Most of the time we start experiencing change when we are alone.
Let Jesus Christ Touch and Change you Today


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