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Look, Turn AND See: TURN - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

When you find what you are looking for, Turn. Exodus 3 Verse 3 Moses said the first thing he will do after looking is to turn aside, turn to the other side that he never considered to turn into. If it wasn’t the burning bush, he wouldn’t have turned to the other side, but because he was keen to know more about this mystery he turned. He wouldn’t understand what it was that’s why when he noticed that, he turned.  The burning bush was happening on the other side and as long he was on the other side, he wouldn’t understand. For him to understand he had to be on the same side of the burning bush, the same side of the situation. He had to turn because the vision was on the other side and not the side he is used to. Because God will use something you have never considered to communicate the message with you. Maybe he never tended the flock on the side where the bush was burning, it was the side he probably undermined, the side he never preferred. But this is the side of

Look, Turn and See: LOOK - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

It is painful for a person who used to see to go blind, blindness is darkness. The eye tells the body what to do, when to do and how TO DO…it gives direction, explanation and sense. A blind man looks for something/ someone to guide them to where they want to be. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they have as long they can help him to get to where he wants to be. Exodus 3 verse 2 After 40 years of Moses being in Midian, away from Egypt where he grew up. It came a time out of his daily routine where he was tending the flock in the bush. There appeared a flame of fire burning the bush but the bush was not consumed! Because it was not there to consume the bush but it was there to get Moses’s attention. It wouldn’t stop burning until Moses gave his attention. Moses looked and the bush was still burning, while he was looking, he noticed that this is not an ordinary burning. it is an ordinary day, an ordinary bush but the fire is not ordinary. While he was looking, he

Touched and Changed - The Gospel ofJesus Christ

Genesis 32 Verse 28. He touched the socket of his hip and everything that was in came out of its joint. When God is changing you, He will separate you from all the evil ways, out of their joints. Whatever that’s in the socket, the hatred, brokenness, defeat, lies, discouragement were out of joint, separated from Jacob when God touched him. When God touches us, He separate us from the world, He takes us out the dark situation, evil ways. Sometimes He doesn’t take us out of the situation but He takes us through it because He will never leave us nor forsake us. Everything that was in the socket He removed. When God takes you out of friends, out of gossip, out of lies…...know that He is getting ready to change you. A touch always looks for something to feel, something to feel better “if I can touch, I will be satisfied, as long I can be touched, I will keep on coming back” that’s a touch. We see people who are touched by waters, oil, church attires and church programs they fo

Touched and Changed: What is Your Name?

After Jacob had wrestled with God, he said he won’t let Him until He blesses him. When God asked him a question, He doesn’t ask how much he wants, or about the blessings. Jacob has been blessed before and that’s what he is expecting because all his life he has learned to depend on blessings. But God says “What is Your name?” God says I know you have a lot going on, you give your tithe to the church, you come early to church, you clean the church, you sing on the worship, you are playing the band; but what is your name. Your name is what it is important at this moment. People defines us by what we have and possess, they define us by our situations, they will call you millionaire if you are rich. But God is not asking what people are saying who you are but what is your name? He changed Jacob’ name which means deceiver to Israel. This is where Israel was born, out of a man who was deceiver. When your name has changed you don’t need to go everywhere asking everyone what they think

Touched and Changed - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Genesis 32: 22 A lot of times we get touched by sermons, touched by worship, praise and motivation from friends and family, touched by elders’ advises. But how many times are we changed after being touched. Change is needed in our lives whenever we get touched. A touch must be there to change you not to make you comfortable. A lot of people touched Jesus Christ while he was walking on earth in the flesh pressing him around wherever He would go. Because all they did was just to touch him, after He left, they were still the same, their situations were still the same because they never allowed Him to change them and their situations. A touch alone is not enough, expect a change after a touch.   Many are touched but only few are changed Jacob was a man who had told many lies, deceived his father and brother Esau. He lived a life of lies, fear going there and there trying to find peace, hiding and escaping from Esau before chapter 32. His father touched and blessed him